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Public directory of NARNiHS members

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3) a brief 45-word description of your area(s) of specialization (if desired, this is not obligatory; descriptions longer than 45 words will be edited for posting).


    • Albert Ferrando, Lorena – University of Virginia (USA).
      Language ideology, history of Spanish language teaching, language and identity, linguistic historiography, and critical historical sociolinguistics and critical philology.
    • Alcolado Carnicero, José Miguel – International Center for Higher Spanish Studies, University of Cantabria (Spain).
      code-switching and language shifting practices of multilingual speech communities any time in the past and anywhere in the world, but with an emphasis on the Colonial Philippines and post-Conquest England.
    • Almossa, Amereh – (a) University of York (UK), (b) Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (Saudi Arabia).
      language variation and change, Arabic dialects, dialects contact, historical sociolinguistics, historical pragmatics, and grammaticalization.
    • Amador-Moreno, Carolina – University of Extremadura (Spain).
      historical sociolinguistics, pragmatics, and discourse analysis with a focus on Irish English
    • Ávila-Ledesma, Nancy E. – University of Extremadura (Spain).
      Historical pragmatics, historical sociolinguistics, Irish emigrants’ personal correspondence.
    • Avilés Vergara, Tania – Universidad Católica de Temuco (Chile).
      Language variation, language ideologies, language standardization and literacy with a focus on vernacular Chilean Spanish; letter writing as a social practice.
    • Bancu, Ariana – Northeastern Illinois University (Chicago, USA).
      Language contact and change in multilingual speech communities in Romania and Germany; applying sociolinguistic methodologies to analyze and document variation in Transylvanian Saxon.
    • Bergs, Alexander – Osnabrück University (Germany).
      English historical sociolinguistics, social network analysis, language variation and change, language and identity, historical dialectology, morphosyntax, pragmatics, construction grammar.
    • Boberg, Charles – McGill University (Canada).
      variation and change in North American English; pronunciation and vocabulary of Canadian English; accent in North American film and television.
    • Bousquette, Joshua – University of Georgia (USA).
      Germanic morphosyntax, especially in heritage communities; effects of language contact and bilingualism on heritage grammars; community theoretic approaches to language shift, especially with respect to division of labor.
    • Brinton, Laurel J. – University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada).
      historical pragmatics (especially the development of discourse markers), grammaticalization and lexicalization, phrasal verbs and composite predicates, and verbal aspect; most recent publication is The Evolution of Pragmatic Markers in English: Pathways of Change (Cambridge UP, 2017).
    • Brook, Marisa – University of Toronto (Canada).
      language variation and change, morphosyntax, discourse-pragmatics, chain shifts in the grammar, dialectology, language contact, onomastics.
    • Brown, Josh – Australian National University (Australia).
      language contact; koineization; merchant writing.
    • Brown, Joshua R. – University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (USA).
      interaction of language and identity in situations of language maintenance and shift among the German-Americans, especially the Amish and Pennsylvania Dutch.
    • Browne, Wayles – Cornell University (emeritus) (USA).
      language and human rights; identity and standardization questions in Slavic languages, particularly Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian and “small” Slavic languages (e.g. Burgenland Croatian in Austria; Carpathian Rusyn; Rusin in Vojvodina and Croatia).
    • Bryan, Stacy – Truman State University (USA).
      historical sociolinguistics of Spanish, language contact, dialectology.
    • Burkette, Allison – University of Kentucky (USA).
      Language variation and change, language as a complex adaptive system, American English dialects, language and the individual, language and material culture.
    • Cardoso, Amanda – University of British Columbia (Canada).
      quantitative analysis of language variation and change (especially as connected to population changes over time); sociophonological/phonetic variation, dialectology, methods for quantitative analysing phonetic/phonological variation (specifically vowels).
    • Clews, Madeleine – The University of Western Australia (Australia).
      Historical sociolinguistic analysis of Australian English, with particular focus on Western Australia.
    • Comeau, Philip – Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada).
      language variation and change, morphosyntax, Acadian French, French in North American, dialect contact, language contact.
    • Corrigan, Karen P. – Newcastle University (UK).
      Variationist analysis of historical change in texts and dialects associated with the British Isles and their North American/Antipodean descendants. I have particular expertise in Irish, Northern English and Scottish varieties and my focus is on variation and change in morphosyntax and discourse-pragmatics.
    • D’Arcy, Alexandra – University of Victoria (Canada).
      quantitative variationist analysis of longitudinal variation and change, with particular focus on morphosyntactic and discourse-pragmatic phenomena in spoken and speech-like language corpora.
    • Dossena, Marina – University of Bergamo (Italy).
      historical pragmatics and sociolinguistics: language history ‘from below’, Late Modern English, Scots and Scottish English, 19th-century business discourse, familiar correspondence, the language of exploration, popular culture and early multimedia discourse.
    • Dubois, Sylvie – Louisiana State University (USA).
      language variation and change, historical sociolinguistics, dialectology, French varieties in North America.
    • Elspaß, Stephan – Universität Salzburg (Austria).
      historical sociolinguistics, language history ‘from below’, language variation and change, dialectology (mainly German).
    • Enrique-Arias, Andrés – University of the Balearic Islands (Majorca, Spain).
      Language variation and change, historical morphosyntax, corpus linguistics, language geography, language and dialect contacts in the Iberian Middle Ages; history of Spanish-Catalan contact in the Balearic Islands.
    • Forlani, Stefania – University of Bern (Switzerland).
      focuses on the Italian-American community in St. Louis (MO).
    • Gandarillas, Marc – University of Florida (USA).
      Sociolinguistics, bilingualism, language contact, language policy, endangered languages, historical linguistics.
    • Głuszkowski, Michał – Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń (Poland).
      language contacts, language islands, code switching and code mixing in the contact of cognate languages, dialectology, language variation and change, biographical method and the study of idiolects, diachronic perspective of language shift and death.
    • Grund, Peter J. – University of Kansas (USA).
      historical sociolinguistics and historical pragmatics; stance, evidentiality, and speech representation in the history of English; court records (especially witness depositions).
    • Havinga, Anna – University of Bristol (UK).
      Historical sociolinguistics, language policies, language ideologies, language standardisation, historical multilingualism (focus on High and Low German, Scots, and Latin).
    • Henley, Katherine – University of Oxford (UK).
      sociophonetics, corpus linguistics, language variation and change, dialectology, UK English.
    • Hietpas, Rachyl – University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA).
      heritage Dutch in North America, sound change, phonetics, phonology, linguistic and cultural identity, language shift, language maintenance.
    • Hoffman, Andrew D. – The Pennsylvania State University (USA).
      language contact & change, typology, Gottscheerisch, morphosyntax & phonology.
    • Horesh, Uri – University of Essex (UK).
      language variation and change, language contact, Arabic dialects, Modern Hebrew, comparative Semitic linguistics.
    • Jordan, Josh T. – Texas A&M University-Commerce (USA).
      corpus linguistics, British and Nordic languages, dialect discrimination, gender bias in games and instructional texts.
    • Kallen, Jeffrey L. – Trinity College Dublin (Ireland).
      Linguistic Landscapes, world Englishes (especially Irish English), onomastics, discourse analysis, language use in diaspora communities.
    • Kasstan, Jonathan – Queen Mary University of London (UK).
    • Klosinski, Robert – The Pennsylvania State University (USA).
      language contact, shift and maintenance in heritage language groups in the US and Misiones, Argentina.
    • Lamar-Prieto, Covadonga – Spanish of California Lab, University of California Riverside (USA).
      Spanish language in California and Mexico from the XVI onwards; intersection of Philology and Digital Humanities. her book Historia sociolinguistica de California en el XIX examines the political and social processes that transformed Spanish into an ethnic language. co-director of SOCALab and Bilingualism Matters UCR.
    • Lauersdorf, Mark Richard – University of Kentucky (USA).
      data-driven corpus-based investigation, with statistical and visualization data analysis, to identify patterns of language variation and change in complex language contact environments (Romance, Germanic, Slavic languages).
    • Léger, Catherine – University of Victoria (Canada).
      French varieties in North America, in particular Acadian French; Pragmatic markers; Contact linguistics; French syntax and semantics; French complementation and properties of complements.
    • Leone, Ljubica – Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy).
      Corpus linguistics, English historical linguistics, sociolinguistics.
    • Lipski, John M. – The Pennsylvania State University (USA).
      African diaspora in Latin America, Spanish and Portuguese in language contact environments.
    • Lledó-Guillem, Vicente – Hofstra University (New York, USA).
      Language ideology, political, social, and cultural history of the Spanish and Catalan languages, language and identity, linguistic historiography, and critical historical sociolinguistics;
    • Loras, Vicky – PhD researcher, University of Zurich (Switzerland).
      educator, presenter, speaker, writer; MA, Applied Linguistics & TESOL; currently PhD Researcher at the University of Zurich in phonetics/phonology, Canadian English.
    • Malik, Ajay – Jawaharlal Nehru University (India).
      Sociolinguistics, Legilinguistics & Dialectology.
    • Mora-Marín, David F. ( – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).
      Historical linguistics of Mayan languages, Mayan hieroglyphic writing (epigraphy: decipherment, orthography, grammar, paleography), Mayan historical sociolinguistics.
    • Mufwene, Salikoko S. – The University of Chicago (USA).
      evolutionary linguistics, including the phylogenetic emergence of languages, language birth/speciation (creoles and other colonial language varieties), various aspects of language vitality (focusing on the effects of colonization, globalization, population structure, and economic activities).
    • Namboodiripad, Savithry – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA).
      contact-induced change, constituent order, language maintenance practices in decolonial and immigrant contexts, experimental syntax, language evolution.
    • Natvig, David – Center for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan, University of Oslo (Norway).
      Phonetics, phonology, language contact, heritage languages, historical sociolinguistics.
    • Park, Sung Min – McMaster Divinity College (Canada).
      Linguistic Ideology, Language Policy, Language and Identity, Code Switching, Language Contact, Greek, Hebrew, Roman Empire, Christianity, Judaism.
    • Picone, Michael D. – University of Alabama (USA).
      research topics include contact linguistics, Louisiana French, metropolitan French neology, language & visuals (especially in comics and bande dessinée), and, in the area of historical sociolinguistics, the reconstruction of languagescapes in the Lower Mississippi Valley and the adjacent Gulf States.
    • Raynor, Eliot – Princeton University (USA).
      social contexts of creolization and/or language shift; Spanish in contact with Amerindian and West African languages in western Colombia; sound change; negation; body partonomy; diachrony of pronominal address forms.
    • Remysen, Wim – Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada).
      historical sociolinguistics and dialectology, language ideologies, standardization, language variation and change, French (Québec, North America).
    • Roberge, Paul T. – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).
    • Robles, Damián – Texas A&M University (USA).
      historical and comparative pragmatics (the Early Modern period); (im-)politeness and address research; linguistics and literature (Cervantes); language contact.
    • Rutten, Gijsbert – Leiden University (Netherlands).
      historical sociolinguistics, Dutch, standardization, language ideology, historical multilingualism, language planning.
    • Salmons, Joseph – University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA).
      language change, speech sounds, language contact, language shift.
    • Sanz-Sánchez, Israel  – West Chester University (USA).
      historical dialectology, historical phonology and morphology, language change in colonial situations (especially Spanish), history of Mexican Spanish and US Southwest Spanish.
    • Stratton, James – University of British Columbia (Canada).
      language variation and change; variationist methods; history and variation in Germanic languages; intensifier and adjective variation;
    • Strelluf, Christopher – University of Warwick (UK).
      language variation and change, dialectology, sociophonetics, doing sociolinguistic work with old sound recordings.
    • Subačius, Giedrius – University of Illinois at Chicago (USA).
      historical sociolinguistics, history of standardization, comparative standardology, history of orthography, Lithuanian language.
    • Tailleur, Sandrine – Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Canada).
      Orthographic, lexical, morphological and syntactic variation in Canadian French, language change, discourse analysis, 19th century.
    • Tandy, James – University of Texas at Austin (USA).
      Mayan languages, historical morphosyntax, language contact, corpus linguistics.
    • Tejedo-Herrero, Fernando  – University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA).
    • Terpstra, Christina Ilse – University of Calgary (Canada).
      Dutch and Frisian. Historical linguistics: grammaticalization, historical sociolinguistics, language standardization. Corpus linguistics. Morphology: paradigm theory, syncretism, suppletion.
    • Thaisen, Jacob – University of Oslo (Norway).
      Orthographic variation, historical English, dialectology, standardisation, quantitative methodologies.
    • Thomas, Jenelle – University of Oxford (UK).
    • Tuten, Donald – Emory University (USA).
    • Urbain, Émilie – Carleton University (Canada).
      I work in the area of historical sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, language ideologies, language and work, language, nationalism and colonialism, language power and social inequalities.
    • van der Sijs, Nicoline – senior researcher, Institute for the Dutch Language, Leiden; professor emeritus, historical linguistics of Dutch, Radboud University (Netherlands).
      Historical linguistics of Dutch, language contact, language variation, language standardization.
    • Vosters, Rik – Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium).
      historical sociolinguistics, standardization, language history from below, Dutch;
    • Walsh, Olivia – University of Nottingham (UK).
      Language attitudes and ideologies, linguistic purism, language standardisation and prescriptivism, metalinguistic texts, and heritage language schools, with a focus on French.
    • Wright, Kelly E. – University of Michigan (USA).
      Disabling Institutionalized Racism with Experimental Sociolinguistics: Corpus Linguistics > Machine Learning > Sociolinguistic Interview and Ethnography > Sociophonetic and Neurolinguistic Lab Methods
    • Yáñez-Bouza, Nuria – University of Vigo (Spain).
      English normative linguistics, early and late Modern English grammars, eighteenth-century pronouncing dictionaries, historical corpora/database compilation, letter-writing practices;
    • Zhu, Junling – University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA).
      Chinese linguistics, historical sociolinguistics, language contact, dialectology (mainly Chinese).