Public directory of NARNiHS members

The Public directory of NARNiHS members featured on this website provides the opportunity for NARNiHS members to have their affiliation with NARNiHS publicly listed to increase the possibilities for networking with others in the field.

In the interest of data privacy, the “Public directory of NARNiHS members” will only include the information of those members who **opt in**.

NARNiHS is an open research network, and the current policy is that membership in NARNiHS is obtained simply by signing up for the NARNiHS listserv.

If you are a NARNiHS member and would like to be listed in the “Public directory of NARNiHS members”, please contact NARNiHS Steering Group at:

==> Please provide:
1) your name as you would like it listed in the directory.
2) your professional affiliation (if desired, this is not obligatory).
3) a brief 45-word description of your area(s) of specialization (if desired, this is not obligatory; descriptions longer than 45 words will be edited for posting).

Please note that you can “opt in” at any time, and you can also “opt out” in the future if you would like your information removed from the “Public directory of NARNiHS members”.  Contact the NARNiHS Steering Group at for both opting in and opting out.

We look forward to hearing from all who are interested in being listed in the “Public directory of NARNiHS members” on the NARNiHS website.